HCam-B1 Camera
A Revolution
Data Sheet/Specification
Hartblei Lenses
Why Shift and Tilt?
True Digital Lenses!
Optics by Carl Zeiss
Hartblei 4/40 IF TS
Hartblei 2,8/80 TS
Hartblei Makro 4/120 TS
Set 40/80/120 mm
Color- and Focus-Targets
RB/RZ-645 Adapter
Filters and Sunshades
Nurizon Acolens Software
Support Stand
Buying Hartblei
Price List
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Hartblei Lenses
HCam-B1 + New B1v and B1i Datasheet/Specifications
June 2011
Product Description
Flyers for Download
FlyerCam_E_web, 6 pages PDF 424 kb
Lens Compatibility list, PDF 37 kb
New: HCam-B1v
HCam-B1v is the version for all viewcamera lenses starting at 60mm and longer.So you can use your existing Rodenstock and Schneider (or other) lenses with all adapters and tubes/helicoids
of existing Frame Cameras e.g.Alpa, Cambo, Sylvestri or Sinar (perfect replacement for Sinar M systems !) on the HCam-B1v. The customer can freely choose the adapter Frame and
use his existing lenses now with an electronic bladeshutter from 30 sec to 1/4000 sec - fully computerized, tethered and untethered multishots and remote controlled/released.
This version does not have the Canon electronic aperture control, therefor the price is even lower than the HCam-B1 version
New: HCam-B1i
The HCam-B1i is the Industry/Technical/Science and Reproversion of our HCam-B1. There will be no motorized slider , the back can be mounted fixed ,
with this calibrated systems for Image analysis and technical processing become possible. we use the Canon EF mount with electronic aperture.
This enables wideangle reception of 125 degrees image angle (rectilinear - without distortions)- with the new Canon 180 degr. 8-15mm Fisheye zoom we get 3D 360 degrees panoramic shots
with a max. of 3 exposures and 160Mpix in under 10 sec(with special Panorama head).
Features for all HCam-B1 cameras
- Unique and solid professional camera with built in electronic bladeshutter
for all digital or analogue formats up to 4,5 x 6 cm.
- Evolved by a several year development cycle, for toughest production conditions
- Shutter speeds from B and 30 sec. down to 1/4000 sec. all usable untethered !
- 1/90 sec flash sync, first or second shutter blade syncable
- Shutter built for high number of care free exposures, standard part - servicefriendly because of simply structure.
- Built from 5 mm Aluminium boards plus other materials used by industrial control enineering, for highest robustness.
- No vibrations - perfect for multishot and long exposures.
- Attractive price, made possible by usage of standardized parts plus straight and simple construction.
- Operation of camera by built in foil keyboard or remotely from your computer, using your back's dedicated software.
- For all digital or analogue backs. Back adapters can be exchanged
(Hasselblad H,V; Mamiya 645; Contax 645)
- Four connectors universal plug; trigger for shutter with every adaptation (upon ordering, please specify your system!)
- Cable release 1 m included (longer cable on request as an extra).
- Built in Remote Radio shutter release, with delay, timer etc. available.
- Motorized sliding back with sensor precision positioning.
Focusing Screen
Bright focusing screen with interchangable finders (all Hasselblad V System finders and screens of SWC/Arcbody usable). Included in the system is a
Hartblei loupe finder.
Accessory shoes
Two Accessory shoes: (1) for Flash control and trigger , (2) for mounting an additional zoom viewfinder in optical axis
(on request as a special accessory for B1v)
Leveling utilities
- 2 illuminated leveling devices (round) for exact horizontal and vertikal corrections.
- Tripodmount parallaxfree with Hartblei lenses and clamp - this results in a free moving camera
for all professional view camera movements (Shift, Tilt or Swing can be freely combined). Portrait and landscape- to be changed in seconds (by rotating the whole camera).
- Ground plate with Novoflex QPL System (others can be used as well, e.g. Manfrotto)
- With Hartblei Supportstand (made by Novoflex) comfort and freedom of movements may be compared
with a viewcamera using crossrails with gears (to be ordered as an extra)
Lens Mount
- Highly resistable and precise.
- With adapters unlimited access to 35 mm and medium format lenses (HR view camera lenses in preparation)
- For ALL lenses with flange focal ranges starting at Canon-EOS (with elektrical Aperture!) - or Nikon F mount
- Shift up to 12mm or 8 degrees of Tilt in 2x full 360 degree rotation (e.g. with Hartblei Superrotator or Canon TS lenses)
- Wideangles starting at 14 mm focal lenght usable (14-24mm Nikon G-ED, Canon TS 17 mm and 24 mm, Canon Fisheye Zoom 8-15mm etc.)
- Nikon G-ED Adapter (with Aperture!) available
- Contax 645 lens adapter with aperture (Conurus)
- Leica R, Contax MM or N, and so on.
Power supply
Mains power supply or high performance rechargeable Li+-batteries 7,2 V, 1500 mAh to 7200mAh (Accessories) - original professional video (SonyNPF550).
Customizable for PhaseOne (BP915) or Leaf(SAL-160) back batteries.
Dimensions and weight
- 233 mm x 129 mm x 34 mm (WxHxD)
- xxx kg
HCam-B1 by Stefan Steib
Hartblei 4/120 TS with Canon 5D II, ISO 100, f/11, 1/125 sec

"The cameras display shows just the bare neccessities - but this clear and user friendly"
Stefan Steib